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sissyfagleah AKA Jeffrey RossmanOffline

    This is Jeffrey Rossman from Connecticut outed as a homosexual sissy faggot queer

    This is Jeffrey Rossman who lives in Connecticut being outed and exposed and seen as he really looks so everyone who may know Jeffrey in the real world will learn Jeffrey is a homosexual sissy faggot who shaves his legs, always wears panties and pantyhose under his male trousers, and who enjoys chatting with and being with boys to prove […]

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    This is Jeffrey Rossman publicly named and outed as a sissy faggot from Connecticut and seen wearing a bra and panty

    JEFFREY ROSSMAN from CONNECTICUT, wants people who may know him to see him as he really is, a panty wearing sissy faggot who shaves his legs, and who enjoys wearing bras and panties. Jeffrey is confessing that he loves boys and has always had feelings for them. No one who knows him is aware he has always preferred being a […]

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    This is Jeffrey Rossman from Connecticut outed as a homosexual sissy faggot queer

      What's Your Reaction? LOL 2 LOL WTF 2 WTF

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    This is Jeffrey Rossman from Connecticut outed as a homosexual sissy faggot queer

    This is Jeffrey Rossman, a sissy faggot queer from Connecticut being outed, named and exposed for all to see Jeffrey Rossman from Connecticut is having to come out of the closet and admit he is a homosexual sissy faggot queer who shaves his legs, goes shopping for and wears panties, pantyhose, bras, panty girdles, leggings, high heels etc and does […]

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