

Sissy Jacqui

About me

Hi everyone I,m Sissy Jacqui from New Zealand. To late now to be a man and exposed faggot  aka Murray Chapman, made the mistake of posting sissy photos. I,m a sissy and acept and crave to be a sissy bimbo slut to worship and serve cock. Exposure, humiliation to ruin  and degrade me, make me sissy famous and seen all over the internet. I,m   the owned sissy drone of Goddess Taylor Knight , to become her femininsed sissy project and transform to her sissy bimbo slut

Love bareback dirty kinky fuck fun, being a nasty slut and used and treated as a low degraded whore. Make sissy a whore for BBC and pnp slut.

Expose this tiny useless clit dick, Permanent chastity to turn into a nub.  Time to see Sissy Jacqui be destroyed and exposed sent to where all sissy cock whores belong.


New Zealand



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